10 Simple Things That Make Seafarers Happy On Board Ships
The merchant navy is a rewarding career. However, more than that, it is also a ‘decentralized’ career. For the lack of finding a better word, the idea behind terming it decentralized is the fact that seafarers are far away from the action of everyday interactions and social milieu associated with the average workplace. Long periods away from the touch of a loved one, the voice of one’s near and dear ones, the late night barrage of texts and phone calls with a partner, a planned night out with friends etc. are the things that seafarers sacrifice for a career that is so romanticized by the general populace. Owing to its manifestation in popular culture, the ‘outsider’ tends to ignore the extreme monotony and boredom that might set in with regard to a seafarer’s life on board. It is at time such as that, which we turn to the limited range of options that make us happy on board. As opposed to what one might imagine, a shore leave doesn’t alleviate all our problems pertaining to the to...